Singing Guide: Willie McTell

Singing Guide: Willie McTell

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Willie McTell is recalled as one of the greatest voices of country blues, with a unique singing style varying from other guitar-slinging artists. With the sound of Willy’s voice, you can not only feel his sorrow and worthiness but dynamic personality. He delivered a natural and raw feeling of ethereal emotion through his voice. Willie's singing was influential to his music as a whole.

Willie's unique vocal technique is the way he tells a story with his voice. He often made use of an expressive growl that emphasized the contrast between his warm, rhythmic blues voice and the bold tone when he sang about dark themes in his songs. Willie's vocal technique served as an intricate part of his performance style, telling stories of a tough and unfair life.

If you’re looking to develop a voice like Willie, here are some tips and exercises to help out:

Singing Carrots offers a wealth of resources to help you perfect your skills.

  • Try out the pitch accuracy test and vocal range test to determine your strengths and weaknesses.
  • The song search tool lets you find the perfect songs that suit your unique vocal range. Willie McTell's songs, such as "Statesboro Blues," "Broke Down Engine," and "Dying Crapshooter Blues," are perfect examples of his style and can help you develop yours. Let the Vocal Pitch Monitor be your guide while learning these songs.
  • Sign up for the educational singing course covering the necessary theory and the practical tips to enhance your singing range of voice.
  • Finally, use the progress statistics to monitor your singing improvement.

Following Willie McTell's steps will improve your singing style, so don't be afraid to try different voices. Remember, practice makes perfect. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.